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Contemporary photography is only pressing the button of the camera www Classical photograph is making photographic paper www Make a photosensitive solution www Apply photosensitive solution, www photographic paper www www #JazzGumprint #JazzPigment Make it with black and white negative film. Coloring printing method. It is not a commercially available color print system. Short description www In this printing system, When I was making monochrome prints,All these handmade photographs were made before 1994. It is not a commercially available photographic paper. Of course, it is not a computer graphic. It is completely analog handmade photographic paper. "Why is not anyone doing color prints? " From the doubt, when I tried, I was able to ... so, "I just did not do it" w www There are many people who take pictures but few print productions. There are few color print productions. japan Alternative Photography pigment gumprint # This, analog pigment print method,

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