
PIGMENTPRINTPHOTO? First , we will create an enlarged negative film .
 On the size of the paper corresponding to it ,
 what was mixed with acrylic paint and the photosensitive material ,
I will a coating photographic paper .
Pigment photography production is surprisingly . However, as there are many variable elements, like the normal picture, you can not always make the same thing. That's where the interest is divided. This is a photo illustration to the last. It is not computer graphics either. The ultimate goal is the original vintage print.
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ハチ ミートドリア 160g×12個 #-A-53 https://youtu.be/bSitRabOIY8 To After drying , the negative film , superposed in such sunlight and baked .
This , developed with tap water . Turn off the water , and then dried .
 Now , one step . In addition , the acrylic paint

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