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DSC_0063.jpg PIC123T0005.jpg キャプチopopoャ ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ If you tweet a real UFO picture to a UFO researcher... most of them don't show any interest lol. So does that mean most researchers are fakes? Real UFO pictures are useful for exposing fake researchers lol. :://////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Why are there no UFO images in the world? o Cameras themselves have switched to digital, and their performance has deteriorated drastically compared to film cameras lol o Considering the probability of photographing a UFO, you don't make any money from it lol If you had to put a price on it, it would be about 100 million yen per shot lol ******************************************** ついに、UFO構造物の原理が発見される? 「光で検出できない“不可視な”円柱構造 光や電磁波を反射や散乱しない構造を単一物質で実現 | 東工大ニュース | 東京工業大学 https://titech.ac.jp/news/2019/044158」 ********************************************* 撮影したUFOの構造が、パイプ状だったので、不思議だと思っていた・・・・・ しかし、2019年ごろのニュースで、 それが、「光で検出できない“不可視な”円柱構造 光や電磁波を反射や散乱しない構造」と判明? これで、撮影したUFOが、信ぴょう性のあるものとして証明できたかもしれない? キャg000プチャ ffPICT0001.jpg ffPICT0005.jpg ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Even with UAP, sharp images will not come out w You are cheated by infrared shadow puppets w UAP's powerful weapon is the force field from objects. Even if a submarine collides, it will not break. US10322827B2 - High frequency gravitational wave generator - ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Obtained a higher resolution image than the UAP image announced by the US Department of Defense. If you analyze it a little more, you can expect new information. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ by the way・・ When the camera was still in the analog era Kodachrome film came out w I knew there was ... There was no film scanner. To be exact, There was no equipment that could color scan Kodachrome ww Recently ... At Amazon, a low-priced film scanner costs about 10,000 yen ... ww Even though it is a low-priced version, is it the same as the equipment for about 300,000 yen? Kodachrome is also properly color-corrected. In that Kodachrome, #UAP and #UFO But found ww When I shot it, I only thought about the moon in the daytime ... However, the color development is random ... Epson scan, when enlarged ... UFO is clear ... ww When I search on the net again ... I can't find the same type of UFO at all ww ++++++++++++++++++++++++ #pigment #photo #print #handmade #art #dot #vintage
The concept of vintage printing is already ww It's because digital pigment prints came out. That is, an original print is input to a personal computer, and a digital print is outputted as a finished product. Still, the original print is a worthwhile ww ######################

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