
A day in the life

キャプチャ wall.jpg
Make By SunPrintPhoto Grafy Using a sunbeam, it is technique to print a photograph to paper. I use ultraviolet rays light to work in the room. Because I react to only ultraviolet rays, the sensitizer can work under normal room light. When it is not a pitch-black room, the photograph work is not possible, but SUNPRINT can usually work in a bright room. Onry Japan SunPhoto Priter/ Thankyou! ################

##リサーチパネルに会員登録すると、お友達に 「プレゼントポイント」500pts. が加算されます。# sunprintphoto-01.jpg #a transparent photographic photosensitizer      # Color pearl 18 colors      #Pearl 6 colors      #Metallic 9 colors      #Lame color 13 colors Pretty, the variable element works on the work of the work is the difference from ordinary photos www


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