later, if you study it ... in the era without pre-war color photography, with the same photography technique , Printing was done w www

こてんぐ 長期保存おでん缶 牛すじ大根入り 5年保存 おでん缶 賞味期限:2024年10月 コンビニ受取可 [605] (防災備蓄の倉庫番 災害対策本舗)

レスキューフーズ 1食ボックス 中華丼 防災用品 非常食 備蓄保存食
ハチ ミートドリア 160g×12個

無料アクセスアップ オレンジトラフィック
Vintage photos are mostly monochrome, with very few color prints.
In the case of color, it will be faded after 30 years. Therefore,
I made organic pigments as color formers. Moreover, the dot type will be the world's first.

I used a technique that does not use a camera for classical technique.
Make it with black and white negative film. Coloring printing method. It is not a commercially available color print system.
Although this technique is also in the classical technique, it is called "popchrome"
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