
窯元直販 竹炭の里 竹炭パウダー チャコールクレンズ 無味無臭 100g 放射能検査済み 滅菌処理済み 1000メッシュ 10ミクロン 宮崎県産 お菓子 キャラ弁 ペット 土窯 最高級 竹炭 Film development, negative film production, photographic paper production, etc. are the main costs. If this is operated continuously, the cost is about $ 10,000 per year. For printing several points a month, it costs $ 1000. At present, if film development and negative film production are replaced by digital processing, the cost is considerably reduced. As for the rest, when making photographic paper, exposure, development, finishing, etc., the equipment is considerably small. This will cost about $ 5000 per year. Therefore, depending on demand, the price of the work falls within the range of $ 1000 to $ 20000. ####################### All these handmade photographs were made before 1992.

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