
関係者から聞いたヤバい話。尖閣諸島に関する暗黙のルールが闇深すぎました…【 未知との遭遇 / ゲスト:世界ミステリーch 】

【ライブ】タイ・バンコクの現在の様子は?ビル倒壊 70人超が安否不明 ミャンマー中部でM7.7の大地震| TBS NEWS DIG

2025年は全てシナリオが決まっている!?今年気を付けるべき数字はこれだ【 ゲスト:LoveMeDoさん 都市伝説 】

STprintphoto-12.jpg Who cares if an unidentified flying object is real or fake? Even if it does exist, it is hundreds of millions of years older than human civilization. So there is no need for the Pentagon to cover up and nothing should happen. LLPP.jpg
>#Who cares if an unidentified flying object is real or fake? Even if it does exist, it is hundreds of millions of years older than human civilization. So there is no need for the Pentagon to cover up and nothing should happen. Why are there no UFO images in the world? o Cameras themselves have switched to digital, and their performance has deteriorated drastically compared to film cameras lol o Considering the probability of photographing a UFO, you don't make any money from it lol If you had to put a price on it, it would be about 100 million yen per shot lol ******************************************** ついに、UFO構造物の原理が発見される? 「光で検出できない“不可視な”円柱構造 光や電磁波を反射や散乱しない構造を単一物質で実現 | 東工大ニュース | 東京工業大学 https://titech.ac.jp/news/2019/044158」 ********************************************* 撮影したUFOの構造が、パイプ状だったので、不思議だと思っていた・・・・・ しかし、2019年ごろのニュースで、 それが、「光で検出できない“不可視な”円柱構造 光や電磁波を反射や散乱しない構造」と判明?パイプ状だったので、不思議だと思っていた・・・・・ しかし、2019年ごろのニュースで、 それが、「光で検出できない“不可視な”円柱構造 光や電磁波を反射や散乱しない構造」と判明? Who cares if an unidentified flying object is real or fake? Even if it does exist, it is hundreds of millions of years older than human civilization. So there is no need for the Pentagon to cover up and nothing should happen.#

img_1_m (6)

The fee for using these works on the website is possible with

UAP0011.png UAP-01

Snapshot@2022_0502_154813.jpg Snapshot@2022_0502_155236.jpg


< japan Alternative Photography pigment gumprint
# This, analog pigment print method,
#pigment #photo #print #handmade #art #dot #POPCHROME

# From shooting the film, inverted, creating a positive film

# From this positive film, make the expanding negative film.
# Up to this point, working in a dark room.

PIGMENTPRINTPHOTO? First , we will create an enlarged negative film .
On the size of the paper corresponding to it ,
what was mixed with acrylic paint and the photosensitive material ,
I will a coating photographic paper




uapuap.jpg Who cares if an unidentified flying object is real or fake? Even if it does exist, it is hundreds of millions of years older than human civilization. So there is no need for the Pentagon to cover up and nothing should happen. Bway.jpg
UAP0011.png Who cares if an unidentified flying object is real or fake? Even if it does exist, it is hundreds of millions of years older than human civilization. So there is no need for the Pentagon to cover up and nothing should happen. Why are there no UFO images in the world? o Cameras themselves have switched to digital, and their performance has deteriorated drastically compared to film cameras lol o Considering the probability of photographing a UFO, you don't make any money from it lol If you had to put a price on it, it would be about 100 million yen per shot lol ******************************************** ついに、UFO構造物の原理が発見される? 「光で検出できない“不可視な”円柱構造 光や電磁波を反射や散乱しない構造を単一物質で実現 | 東工大ニュース | 東京工業大学 https://titech.ac.jp/news/2019/044158」 ********************************************* 撮影したUFOの構造が、パイプ状だったので、不思議だと思っていた・・・・・ しかし、2019年ごろのニュースで、 それが、「光で検出できない“不可視な”円柱構造 光や電磁波を反射や散乱しない構造」と判明?パイプ状だったので、不思議だと思っていた・・・・・ しかし、2019年ごろのニュースで、 それが、「光で検出できない“不可視な”円柱構造 光や電磁波を反射や散乱しない構造」と判明? Who cares if an unidentified flying object is real or fake? Even if it does exist, it is hundreds of millions of years older than human civilization. So there is no need for the Pentagon to cover up and nothing should happen. SC_0068[1] Snapshot@2022_0502_155527.jpg
The fee for using these works on the website is possible with "I just did not do it" w www
There are many people who take pictures but few print productions. There are few color print productions. japan Alternative Photography pigment gumprint # This, analog pigment print method, #pigment #photo #print #handmade #art #dot #vintage #pigment #photo #print #handmade #art #dot japan Alternative Photography pigment gumprint # This, analog pigment print method, # From shooting the film, inverted, creating a positive film ... # From this positive film, make the expanding negative film. # Up to this point, working in a dark room.

【ニュースまとめ】ミャンマー中部でマグニチュード7.7の地震 津波の心配なし 気象庁 (2025年3月28日) ANN/テレ朝


【愛媛の山火事】発生5日目に恵みの雨 住宅焼失で“家族の猫”捜す人も